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Risch, Warner Banter over BSU/Virginia Tech Matchup

Place Friendly Wager on Monday Night's Outcome

September 3, 2010

Washington, DC - U.S. Senators Jim Risch of Idaho and Mark Warner of Virginia are boasting of their home state teams ahead of the Boise State/ Virginia Tech matchup in the nation’s capital Monday night. The pair are so confident in their respective teams, they have made a friendly wager where the Senator representing the losing team will pose for a photo in the winning team’s colors on the steps of the Capitol.

“The state of Idaho is excited to see the third-ranked Broncos take on the Hokies, with many of the BSU faithful traveling across the country for the game. My wife, Vicki, and I will be there cheering for a Boise State victory and are confident of the outcome,” said Risch. “As history has shown, BSU should never be underestimated and I look forward to seeing Senator Warner put on Bronco blue and orange.”

“I can't wait to see the Broncos face Coach Frank Beamer's energized Hokie defense, and the awesome enthusiasm and power of Virginia Tech's committed fans,” predicted Senator Warner. “I happen to think Senator Risch will look great in Hokie maroon and orange. When he puts it on -- and he will -- that Tech jersey should really photograph well against the backdrop of the white marble of the Capitol steps!”

Risch and Warner have both served as governor in their respective states and were elected to the U.S. Senate in 2008. They serve together on the Joint Economic Committee.

Kick-off for the game is set for 6:00pm Mountain time on September 6 and will be televised nationally.
