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WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators Jim Risch and Mike Crapo (both R-Idaho) released the following statement after voting against another Continuing Resolution:

“We absolutely stand against shutting down the federal government, but we also oppose continually kicking the can down the road on government funding and allowing Democrats’ spending levels to continue for another month—let alone two,” said Risch and Crapo.  “Each Continuing Resolution is just a bandaid on a long-term unwillingness to address our growing fiscal crisis. The Senate Appropriations Committee has already advanced all 12 individual appropriations bills out of the Committee.  It is not fair to Idahoans to allow the federal government to repeatedly fail to execute its duty to pass these bills annually.”  

The Continuing Resolution funds the government through two separate deadlines of January 19, 2024, and February 2, 2024.  The measure passed the Senate 87-11.
