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WASHINGTON – Today, Congressional Democrats passed the colossal $1,900,000,000,000.00 “American Rescue Plan” through Congress without bipartisan input or votes. U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho) released the following statement upon the bill’s final passage:

“Unlike the five bipartisan COVID-19 relief bills that came before it, Democrats’ spending bill devotes less than 10 percent of its $1.9 Trillion price tag to actual COVID relief and funnels billions toward Democrat priorities that have nothing to do with the pandemic. With this bill’s enactment – using entirely borrowed money – the U.S. will officially be $30 Trillion in debt, costing taxpayers over $350 Billion in interest payments each year,” said Risch. “Idahoans deserve responsible, bipartisan solutions that help people return safely to work and get students back in the classroom. In addition to bailing out states that spent years amassing debt, it punishes fiscally responsible states like Idaho by not allowing them to lower taxes if they receive federal relief dollars. This is not a COVID relief bill, it’s a vehicle for pushing a liberal agenda by building reliance on government through reckless spending.”

Click here to read Senator Risch’s opinion piece on Democrats’ $1.9 Trillion bill and the growing federal deficit.

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