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Crapo, Risch, Deliver Nye Nomination to Senate Judiciary Committee

Idaho's Senators Introduce Judge Nye to Senate Colleagues at Nomination Hearing

June 21, 2016

Washington, D.C. – Idaho Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch this morning advanced their selection for Idaho’s next U.S. District Judge through the beginning of the confirmation process.  The nominee, Idaho Sixth District Judge David C. Nye of Pocatello, was introduced by both Senators to their colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee, the first step toward his confirmation
“I appreciate the opportunity to join Senator Risch in offering our enthusiastic support for Judge David Nye on his nomination to be a U.S. District Judge for the District of Idaho,” said Crapo during his introduction of Nye.  “I strongly encourage this committee to approve Judge Nye’s nomination as soon as possible so that the people of Idaho can continue to be assured that they will be served by well qualified judges.”
“I want to underscore the necessity of moving Judge Nye’s nomination along,” said Risch. “I know things around here don’t move quickly, and I also know that they are governed by longstanding traditions, but Senator Crapo and I have worked diligently to attempt to fill this seat. We have enthusiastic support from Senator Crapo and myself, and also from President Obama. We would urge passage of this nomination as quickly as possible and I think you’ll be well pleased with Judge Nye when you hear him testify here.”
During the hearing, at which other nominees were being considered for judgeships in other states, presiding chairman Lindsay Graham (R-SC) congratulated each nominee saying, “This is a very big deal; to be able to sit on a federal bench and judge your fellow citizens is a high honor and great responsibility.”  During a question and answer period, Graham asked each nominee to interpret the phrase, “rule of law.”  Nye responded, “I believe that it is the rule of law that makes our civilization, our country so great; a willingness to follow the law as written by the Legislature and then the precedential value that comes from the case law of the courts.” 
Judge Nye has served as a judge for Idaho’s Sixth Judicial District for nine years; he also has 20 years’ experience in private practice litigation.  In addition, Judge Nye presides over a successful diversionary felony drug court program and serves in several roles as an advisor to the Idaho Supreme Court and the Idaho State Bar.  The American Bar Association rated Judge Nye as unanimously well-qualified.
Both Crapo and Risch will continue to work with the Senate Judiciary Committee to advance Judge Nye’s nomination to the full Senate for confirmation.
Included in this release is video of both Senator Crapo and Senator Risch’s remarks at today’s hearing, along with selected still photos from the hearing.
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