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WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho) and Roger Marshall, M.D., (R-Kan.) today introduced the End Taxpayer Funding of Gender Experimentation Act, which prohibits federal funds from being used for ‘gender transition procedures.

“The surging number of gender reassignment procedures performed in the United States, especially on children, is alarming. Once performed, these drugs and surgeries cannot be undone, with the effects following patients for the rest of their lives. Given these procedures are experimental at best and permanently damaging at worst, no taxpayer dollar should fund them,” said Risch.

“Doctors must be prohibited from performing or assisting in child mutilation procedures,” Marshall said. “Enough is enough. These procedures can cause severe and irreversible damage to children's bodies and have long-term detrimental health risks. We must protect our kids and make sure American taxpayers aren’t footing the bill for these dangerous procedures.”

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