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WASHINGTON (Gray DC) - An Idaho senator’s attention is fixed on history this week. As President Donald Trump and the North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un meet in Singapore for a summit, Senator Jim Risch (R-ID) says the duo can make strides toward world peace.

Risch is the chairman of the Senate National Security Working Group consisting of 20 bipartisan senators who oversee negotiations with foreign governments, particularly when it comes to arms control. Risch says he has met with the president many times in recent weeks ahead of the summit.

The senator says he is not concerned ahead of the meeting, rather he says it is dangerous for the two not to meet. Risch say good faith is a critical piece of this process and he is optimistic the two will agree to a general objective before they depart Singapore.

“An objective means a complete, permanent, verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” said Risch.

Risch says no matter what comes of the meeting, the U.S. will not be in any worse shape than we are right now.

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