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Washington, D.C. – Today U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-ID) supported, and the U.S. Senate passed, S.2848, the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). The bill, which authorizes critical water infrastructure projects across the country, included language to streamline the water resources process in Idaho. The bill now goes to the House of Representatives for consideration.

“Small communities across Idaho will benefit from this common-sense legislation,” said Senator Risch, who has been a vocal advocate in the Senate for solutions to Idaho’s most pressing water resource priorities. “This legislation takes important steps that will improve Idaho’s water infrastructure and prevent future flood damage.”

WRDA authorizes 25 critical Army Corps of Engineers projects, which will help strengthen our nation’s infrastructure to protect lives and property, restore vital ecosystems to preserve our natural heritage, and maintain navigation routes for commerce and the movement of goods to keep us competitive in the global marketplace. If signed by the President, language advocated for by Risch would address important Idaho concerns on dam operations to ensure that current infrastructure is being fully utilized for multiuse purposes, and would provide assistance for water recycling projects and water supplies for needed aquifer depletion issues. Further, it would redirect funding from the annual Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund to small ports, and help mitigate effects of drought and drought-stricken watersheds.

Risch added: “I am pleased that these projects were included to protect Idaho and enhance our waterways.”

Click here for a summary of the bill.